First Angle Projection vs Third Angle Projection: Understanding the Differences

First angle projection and third angle projection are two methods used in engineering drawing to represent a three-dimensional object in two-dimensions. The difference between first and third angle projection lies in the position of the object and the observer, as well as the direction of projection.

In first angle projection, the object is placed between the observer and the projection plane, while in third angle projection, the projection plane is placed between the observer and the object. This difference in placement results in different graphical representations of the object, with the views being mirror images of each other. It is important to note that the choice between first and third angle projection depends on the application and the standards used in the region.

Understanding the fundamentals of projection drawing is important in choosing between first and third angle projection. It is also important to understand the graphical representation of the object and the differences in projection method. This article will explore the applications of first and third angle projection, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method. It will also provide information on how to choose between first and third angle projection.

Key Takeaways

  • First angle projection and third angle projection are two methods used in engineering drawing to represent a three-dimensional object in two-dimensions.
  • The choice between first and third angle projection depends on the application and the standards used in the region.
  • Understanding the fundamentals of projection drawing, the graphical representation of the object, and the differences in projection method is important in choosing between first and third angle projection.

Fundamentals of Projection Drawing

Projection drawing is a technique used to represent a 3D object in 2D on a drawing. This technique is widely used in engineering and architecture to create detailed drawings of complex objects. There are two main types of projection drawing: first angle projection and third angle projection.

Definition of First Angle Projection

First angle projection is a method of projection drawing where the object being drawn is placed in front of the viewing plane. The viewing plane is then placed between the object and the observer. In this method, the views are arranged in a clockwise direction. The top view is placed above the front view, and the right view is placed to the right of the front view.

Definition of Third Angle Projection

Third angle projection is a method of projection drawing where the object being drawn is placed behind the viewing plane. The viewing plane is then placed between the object and the observer. In this method, the views are arranged in an anti-clockwise direction. The top view is placed above the front view, and the right view is placed to the left of the front view.

In summary, both first angle and third angle projection are methods of projection drawing used to represent a 3D object in 2D. The main difference between the two methods is the placement of the object and the viewing plane. It is important to understand the differences between these two methods to create accurate and detailed drawings.

Graphical Representation

When it comes to graphical representation, First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection differ in the placement of the object and the projection planes.

Symbol for First Angle Projection

In First Angle Projection, the object is placed between the observer and the projection planes. The projection planes are placed between the observer and the object. The symbol for First Angle Projection is shown below:

First Angle Projection

Symbol for Third Angle Projection

In Third Angle Projection, the object is placed behind the projection planes and the projection planes are placed between the object and the observer. The symbol for Third Angle Projection is shown below:

Third Angle Projection

It is important to note that while these symbols may look similar, they represent different projection methods. It is crucial to use the correct symbol to avoid confusion and ensure accurate representation of the object.

Differences in Projection Method

First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection are two methods used to represent a 3D object in 2D on a drawing. The main difference between the two methods is the orientation of views and the position of the object and the observer.

Orientation of Views in First Angle

In First Angle Projection, the object is placed between the observer and the projection plane. The views are projected onto the plane from the side of the object facing the observer. The views are arranged in the following order:

  1. Front View
  2. Right Side View
  3. Top View

The front view is placed at the bottom of the drawing, and the other views are projected from it. The views are arranged in a clockwise direction around the front view. The projection lines are drawn from the object to the projection plane.

Orientation of Views in Third Angle

In Third Angle Projection, the projection plane is placed between the object and the observer. The views are projected onto the plane from the side of the object facing away from the observer. The views are arranged in the following order:

  1. Front View
  2. Top View
  3. Right Side View

The front view is placed at the top of the drawing, and the other views are projected from it. The views are arranged in a counterclockwise direction around the front view. The projection lines are drawn from the projection plane to the object.

In conclusion, while both First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection are used to represent a 3D object in 2D, the orientation of views and the position of the object and the observer are different. It is important to understand these differences in order to accurately interpret and create engineering drawings.


First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection are two different methods of creating orthographic projections of a 3D object onto a 2D plane. These methods are widely used in engineering drawing and design, as well as in architecture and other fields where precise technical drawings are required.

Usage in Europe

In Europe, First Angle Projection is the more commonly used method. This is because it is the method that was first developed and standardized in Europe in the early 20th century. First Angle Projection is often used in countries such as Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Usage in the United States

In the United States, Third Angle Projection is the more commonly used method. This is because it was developed independently in the US, and was standardized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in the mid-20th century. Third Angle Projection is often used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing.

It is important to note that while First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection are different methods, they both produce the same result: a set of 2D drawings that accurately represent the 3D object being depicted. The choice of which method to use is often determined by local standards and conventions, as well as by the preferences of the designer or engineer creating the drawing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of First Angle Projection

First Angle Projection has some advantages that make it a preferred choice in certain situations. One of the main advantages is that it is easier to visualize the object in 3D space. This is because the views are drawn as if the object is in front of the viewer. Another advantage is that it is easier to see the features of the object that are hidden in other views. This is because the views are drawn as if the object is transparent.

Advantages of Third Angle Projection

Third Angle Projection also has some advantages that make it a preferred choice in certain situations. One of the main advantages is that it is easier to understand the relationship between the views. This is because the views are drawn as if the object is behind the viewer. Another advantage is that it is easier to create the views in a logical sequence. This is because the views are drawn in the order in which they would be seen if the object were rotated.

Disadvantages of First Angle Projection

First Angle Projection has some disadvantages that make it a less preferred choice in certain situations. One of the main disadvantages is that it can be difficult to visualize the object in 3D space if the views are not drawn properly. Another disadvantage is that it can be difficult to see the features of the object that are hidden in other views if the views are not drawn properly.

Disadvantages of Third Angle Projection

Third Angle Projection also has some disadvantages that make it a less preferred choice in certain situations. One of the main disadvantages is that it can be difficult to understand the relationship between the views if the views are not drawn properly. Another disadvantage is that it can be difficult to create the views in a logical sequence if the views are not drawn properly.

Choosing Between First and Third Angle Projection

When deciding between first and third angle projection, there are several factors to consider. These include the engineer’s preference, industry standards, and the complexity of the object being projected.

Considerations for Engineers

The choice between first and third angle projection often comes down to the engineer’s preference. Some engineers prefer first angle projection because it is more intuitive to them. Others prefer third angle projection because it is more widely used in the United States and other countries.

Another consideration for engineers is the complexity of the object being projected. If the object is simple and has few features, either first or third angle projection can be used. However, if the object is complex and has many features, third angle projection may be preferred because it allows for easier visualization of the object’s features.

Industry Standards

Industry standards also play a role in the choice between first and third angle projection. In the United States, third angle projection is the standard. However, in other countries, such as Europe and Australia, first angle projection is the standard.

It is important for engineers to be aware of the industry standards in the country where the project will be completed. If the project will be completed in the United States, third angle projection should be used. If the project will be completed in a country where first angle projection is the standard, first angle projection should be used.

In conclusion, the choice between first and third angle projection comes down to the engineer’s preference and the industry standards in the country where the project will be completed. Engineers should consider the complexity of the object being projected and be aware of industry standards when making their choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences in the symbols used for first angle and third angle projection?

In First Angle Projection, the symbol for the view is placed on the side of the line opposite to the object, while in Third Angle Projection, the symbol is placed on the same side as the object. The symbol for the view in First Angle Projection is a cross, while in Third Angle Projection, it is a circle.

How do the viewpoints differ between first angle and third angle projection?

In First Angle Projection, the object is placed between the observer and the projection plane. The observer views the object as if looking through the projection plane. In Third Angle Projection, the projection plane is placed between the observer and the object. The observer views the object as if looking at it from the other side of the projection plane.

In which countries is third angle projection the standard practice?

In the United States, Third Angle Projection is the standard practice, while in Europe, Asia, and Australia, First Angle Projection is more commonly used.

What are some examples illustrating the difference between first and third angle projection?

An example of First Angle Projection is a cube with the front face closest to the observer, while an example of Third Angle Projection is a cube with the front face farthest from the observer. Another example of First Angle Projection is a flat piece of paper with a circle drawn on it, while an example of Third Angle Projection is the same piece of paper with the circle drawn on the opposite side.

How can one switch between first angle and third angle projection views in SolidWorks?

To switch between First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection views in SolidWorks, one can go to the Document Properties tab, select the Drawing Standard option, and then choose either ANSI (Third Angle) or ISO (First Angle) from the drop-down menu.

What steps are involved in interpreting engineering drawings using first and third angle projection?

To interpret engineering drawings using First or Third Angle Projection, one must first identify the projection type being used. Then, one must identify the views and their relationships to each other. This involves understanding the concept of orthographic projection and being able to visualize the object from different angles. Finally, one must be able to read and interpret the dimensions and tolerances specified on the drawing.